Ready To Awaken Your

Epic Performance?

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I coach performers and presenters on the cusp of greatness to make an epic impact on their next big stage.

LGBTQ+ folks, women and allies come on in!

As a performance coach and voice teacher, executive speaker coach, Organic Intelligence® Coach and ex-lawyer, I've helped Hollywood Actors, London West End Performers, TED Talkers, Google execs and Magic Circle law firms and more learn how to be more compelling on stage and live empowered, meaningful lives.

I'm also the founder of the Emergence Framework whose mission is to make communication with the people who matter most, more compelling, moving and meaningful.

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You’re a skilled professional and now you want to position yourself as an epic artist. You know the craft. You can analyse a script and breathe life into your character so much so that you're even seeing commercial success with great reviews from audiences. And still inside you, you know there's something more. That's what Emergence can help you discover.


You’re a pro speaker who now wants to rise to an epically empowering thought leader. You're doing the frameworks, you’re clear, you’re concise, you’re getting results but you know people aren’t walking away talking about what you said for days and weeks after. You know you have the ability to leave a lasting, empowering impact that lies dormant. Emergence can help you awaken this ability.


Artist, Speaker or Exec, on some level you’re missing your personal brand of extra sparkle that the leaders in your field have.


Whether you’re trying to get to Meryl Streep level acting, Elizabeth Gilbert TED speaking or Alok V Menon free-flowing poetic thought leadership and beyond, for me it’s the same thing.

"I wanted to work with my voice from a somatic perspective and to explore the emotional and psychological barriers that create blockages in my voice and how I perform. I was looking for a tuned in way to find greater freedom, expression and potential in both my voice and my performance as a whole... Working with Craig for a few months opened up a world of possibility for me as a singer, an actress and a human being...

I now feel so excited for where this could go. It feels like the key to unlocking my potential.  

Craig is empathic and wise. He really listens and works with what’s in the room. I feel comfortable bringing my whole self and know I always experience a shift that feels profound. Thank you!"

- Nathalie, London

"Where do I start in describing my time with Craig? I suppose it starts in taking a minute or two, noticing everything around me, taking in my surroundings and the pleasurable sensations that arise. 

I reached out to Craig after stumbling across his Instagram, specifically a video on how to overcome challenging speaking environments, at a time when I had just moved into a new professional role in a growth rich environment. I felt lost in how to make the most of these new opportunities and so I shot off a quick message enquiring about coaching. I was bowled over by the compassion, kindness, and fun in his reply; I instantly felt at home with his approach. The easiest ‘yes’ I’ve ever said! 

I had no expectations moving into this new world of Emergence and OI, only that it might support my professional growth and public speaking capabilities, and what I have found has been lifechanging! I have experienced a profound cognitive and emotional shift towards seeking & bringing positivity, enjoyment, and compassion into every interaction and opportunity. 

This unfolding of joy and following meaningful connection using the techniques Craig has provided have touched every area of my life. Those professional goals Craig and I set, smashed it and then some! The parts of me damaged by personal trauma and pathologizing of my cognitive makeup has begun to heal in such a way that I can now support others going through the same. The ‘When I grow up’ dreams have been dusted off and now seem, not only achievable, but also inevitable as I continue to implement these practices. 

Throughout this journey, I have been so grateful to make it with Craig. He is a skilful coach, compassionate listener, and epic cheerleader. I could go on but I really think you ought to experience this awakening for yourself!"

- Lucy, Business Start-Up Advisor, Scotland


“Craig’s Emergence Workshop taught me so much. I was blown away; I never imagined such simple actions could have such powerful, far-reaching reactions. As a New Yorker, taking time to be ‘in the moment’ doesn’t exactly come naturally. But Craig’s gentle, intuitive prompting got me to see how I could slow my roll a bit. Plus, his voice is sooo divine—I could listen to him all day!”

Jaime Babbitt, Vocalist/Vocal Coach/Author/Actor


A mindfulness, voice and body based framework to help you be authentic, in the flow and epic in front of large crowds

On some level, despite the valiant effort and great advice so far you’re still looking for a way to do things that’s truly yours. You don’t yet know the empowered vulnerability of the greats yet. What’s your unique way into live epic audience transformation? Are there more esoteric practices that can help bring a new level of authenticity and power to your work? 

That’s what Emergence is about. It’s not just about where to stand on stage and what to say and how to say it. It’s about a new level of dynamic performance vitality that you observe in Academy Award winners or profound thought leaders. That ineffable thing beyond words that you see on stage or screen, that’s what I train. 


We assess your unique needs and apply the Emergence Skills below to take your performance to the epic, intuitive mastery level beginning on the neurobiological level.

Because when change happens there, it happens everywhere.

Foundation I:

Emerging Presence

Foundation I: Emerging Presence

Foundation II: Emerging Voice

Foundation III: Emerging Story

"Craig's ability to be present for my songs (both writing and performing) and then home in on the specific areas to then work on allowed each session to be specific and build both my confidence and skill. The feedback both in the sessions and the in between that was set up let me see immediate and lasting improvement. I have been performing for 63 years and certainly have found it enjoyable but the work we did over the 6 weeks brought a level of joy and my full presence in consistently as I was continuing to practice in actual performances. I would recommend Craig's coaching to anyone who is involved in a creative endeavor. His way of being added to his technical skill is a joy and a benefit beyond anything I hoped or expected…an encouragement to anyone regardless of skill or experience level to jump in and let Craig accompany you to the next level."

- Charles Stacey, USA

“Working with Craig is like a breath of fresh air. Craig is upbeat, immensely capable and a joy to be around. I’ve co-facilitated with Craig, supporting professionals in enhancing their executive presence. Craig is able to engage with people in a way that is fun, uplifting and insightful. From the very first day I worked with Craig, I trusted him to handle a room. I watched Craig expertly deliver material, facilitate exercises and provide specific and insightful feedback. A master of voice and personal impact, Craig takes development seriously and is ongoingly developing himself so that he is an asset to the development of others.”

- Alicia Sutton, Executive Trainer & Coach, Qualified Lawyer & Professional Actress

“In my first hour with Craig he started by leading a meditation and I immediately fell in love with the group...There was a sense of ease and a quality of trust which was a gift...There was a deep connection, a holistic feeling and the thought that the world should hear this. My voice. And this was so unexpected. I was puzzled. And it felt true. I was so thankful for this new opportunity to experience my voice. Just being with Craig is so healing and so much fun.”

- Silke Fögel, Switzerland


A 3 month immersive commitment to personal integration of the Emergence Framework through LIVE coachings and feedback on homework in between sessions.

Whether your stage is in a packed theatre, on the big screen or in the boardroom, you’ll walk away from our 3 month journey with the skills, practices and coaching insights to tap into your own personal brand of intuitive stage performing that arises from the neurobiological level.



Emergence Bespoke Group Coaching can be a one off immersive experience, ongoing group support, one to one support or a mix of them all. We work together to find the right fit for your organisation.

The goal is that your people have an experience together where they walk away with the skills, practices and coaching insights to tap into their own personal brand of intuitive stage performing that arises from the neurobiological level.

The added bonus of group coaching is that we have an audience built into the experience. Playing with peers in this way is excellent preparation for making an epic impact in the real world.



Organic Intelligence® is an Empowerment and Resilience, Post Trauma Growth framework that teaches us to tap into our innate ability to thrive working from the neurobiological level up. Coaching options are:

Private Coaching via a 3 month immersive commitment to personal integration of the Organic Intelligence®(OI) Framework through LIVE OI sessions and async life integration check-ins between sessions.


Group Empowerment and Resilience Coaching via a one off immersive experience, ongoing group support, one to one support or a mix of them all. We work together to find the right fit for your organisation.

Whether one to one or group coaching, the aim is to give you or your members the skills, practices and coaching insights to become more adaptable, connected and energised human beings by setting the conditions for positive change to happen organically on the neurobiological level.


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